Sunday, April 17, 2011

Racing for bikes

Spring makes the mind turn to other pursuits.  I like the trash talk here...

Saturday, April 16, 2011


A foot of new fell last Thursday and we tested skis in it.  It's rained on the cake since but that's the way it goes.  There are those, among us, that are tired of Winter but I'll take a stray powder day, anytime.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cascade climax avalanches

It's not just the Oregon Cascades that have had some climax avalanches this season but it's endemic up and down the volcano chain.  Here is a good slide video from Crystal Mt., WA.  Although it was set-off by an explosive, it could easily have been us jumping into that slope.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Man and the Mammoth

If you haven't seen this  ski animation feature movie you are in for a treat.  It looks like some Vancouver, BC folks had some time on their hands, during the summer.  I'm troubled by the ending, however.  I would have preferred a "shaggy dog" ending where they high five and enjoy a smoking campfire.