Monday, December 20, 2010

Tilly's Bowls

We were blessed with some sub-20F snow last weekend, uncharacteristically, falling lightly, straight down.  Above the old Cloud Cap Inn, on  Mt. Hood's north side, are some gentle bowls that tilt into Tilly Jane Creek.  We had the good fortune to ski, what I describe as, the Tilly bowls.

Tilly Jane creek is named for Tilly Jane Ladd.  William M. Ladd was a wealthy, Portland banker and Cloud Cap Inn developer and his wife Tilly was a free-spirit, by turn-of-the-century standards.  She supervised the work camp while Cloud Cap Inn was being built in 1889 and the creek, trail and campground were named after her.  She was a woman I would have enjoyed meeting.  I'm researching her life and there will be more about her later.

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