Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The passing of an Oregon mountaineer

I didn't know Hank Lewis, really.  He passes away last week, at 98, and I've been thinking about him.  I met Hank at Timberline lodge once, after a search and rescue, and drank a beer with him and some Mazama folks. I wish I could have interviewed him for my records.  My dad was a Mt. Hood ski patroler in the 70's and Hank's name would come up and was held in reverence.  He was one of the original hard men of the Oregon Cascades.  He did his time with the 10th mountain division and like many of those guys he made an impact on the mountaineering and skiing life we enjoy today.  I hope where ever he is that his pack is light and the snow is good.

Here is his obit, in the Oregonian, and also a good piece from 2007.

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